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What We Do

Student Programs

Overseas students can take classes at NC State University in the fall semester and earn a certificate in US Culture and Higher Education while completing their course of study. Our unit also coordinates special programs for key overseas partners such as student success and academic preparatory programs, as well as semester-long courses and short-term enrichment programs. Students from key partner universities can also participate in an expedited master’s degree program through a partnership with the Graduate School and GTI.

NC State students can get involved and broaden their worldview by obtaining the Developing Cultural Competence (DCC) Student Certificate or participating in other short-term exchanges.

Professional Programs

The Global Training Initiative delivers customized training programs for North Carolina organizations and groups of overseas professionals. Our programs apply the expertise of our faculty and industry leaders to an international context with a solution-driven focus. We offer global skills training for professionals who want to improve their intercultural effectiveness and capabilities, utilizing a wide range of technology and tools, including virtual reality.

We also offer professional development programs for educators in a variety of fields. Our global educator training programs are offered in both virtual and face-to-face formats.

Faculty Engagement

Faculty who are interested in global engagement activities can partner with us in a number of ways, including teaching in one of our short-term, non-credit programs. Our GEARS research program is always looking for faculty mentors. We also partner with faculty to create high-impact experiences with our visiting international student groups or by incorporating cultural competence workshops in the classroom.