GEARS Faculty Mentors
The success of the GEARS program stems from faculty engagement, so we are continually looking for faculty or departments who are willing to host and provide a lab skills experience to one or more talented undergraduate students from our global partner universities for 4 – 8 weeks in the winter or summer.
Our program currently welcomes faculty from NC State University, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington, NC Central University and Duke University.
Winter GEARS: January-February (4-5 week program with multiple start and end dates)
Summer GEARS: June-August (4-8 week programs with multiple start and end dates)
GEARS Research Contributions
Program Highlights
- Recruit future graduate students
- Build research links with students from other top universities
- Provide current graduate students with supervisory experience
- Advance your own research
- A modest stipend per student hosted is provided. This may be used as supplemental pay, transferred to a departmental account or used to cover other departmental, lab or graduate student costs.
Faculty Responsibilities
- Develop research plans so your student(s) have the equivalent of 4-8 hours of research work per day. This may include day-to-day supervision by a graduate student already working in your lab.
- Define one or more research tasks that the student(s) would be able to accomplish before the end of their program.
- Meet at least once a week to monitor progress, give advice, answer questions, and troubleshoot any problems.
- Write a short, final evaluation of your students’ research experience.
- Keep GTI updated on any publications, papers or patents that include GEARS students as co-researchers or authors.
GTI Responsibilities
- Arrange the logistics for the online and in-person programs (including visas, airport transfer, orientation, lodging, etc.)
- Process payments
- Recruit and admit students to the program
- Provide weekly cultural events (in-person programs)
- Provide professional development workshops
Research Collaboration
GEARS participants and research mentors have had great success in submitting journal articles, conference papers and more to various publications and conferences. Below is a sample of publications and topics that resulted from the research conducted during the GEARS program:
- C. Huang, Z. Tay and K. Harfoush. “MASS Communication for Constrained Edge Devices”. Accepted for publication in the 30th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2021).
- “Towards a Holistic View of Technology Commercialization” for TEMSCON-EUR 2021
- “On the Relationship between Digitalization and Managerial Competencies” for TEMSCON-EUR 2021
- “Efficacy of Satisfiability-Based Attacks in the Presence of Circuit Reverse-Engineering Errors” 2020 EEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
- Cheng, Y., Jiang, H., Xie, C-X. & Wang, Y-D. (In Press). Chatbots and health: Mental health. In Evelyn Ho, Carma Bylund, Julia van Weert, Iccha Basnyat, Nadine Bol, and Marleah Dean. (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley-Blackwell.
- C.D. Haigh, J.H. Crews, S. Wang, G.D. Buckner, “Multi-Objective Design Optimization of a Shape Memory Alloy Flexural Actuator”, Actuators, 8(13), 1-16, 2019.
- “An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Classify Coronary Bifurcation Lesions” 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC).
- X. Neumeyer and M. Liu, “Managerial Competencies and Development in the Digital Age,” in IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 49-55, 1 third quarter,Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/EMR.2021.3101950.
- “Measurement-Driven Flow Selection for Open vSwitch Offload” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022), Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.
- “Airplane Detection and Classification Based on Mask R-CNN and YOLO with Feature Engineering”
- “Enriching an Online Suicidal Dataset with Active Machine Learning”
- X. Neumeyer, K. Cheng, Y. Chen and K. Swartz, “Blockchain and sustainability: An overview of challenges and main drivers of adoption,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions (ICTMOD), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICTMOD52902.2021.9739231.
- Cheng Y, Wang Y, Zhao W, Zhang K, Cai X, Jiang H. Virtually Enhancing Public Engagement During the Pandemic: Measuring the Impact of Virtual Reality Powered Immersive Videos on Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. Social Science Computer Review. July 2022. doi:10.1177/08944393221111482
- Cheng, Y., Bai, Xin-Tong, & Jin, Wei-kai. (2022). Testing contingent relationships between multinational companies and consumers: Analyzing Tesla’s crisis communication in mainland China, the 25th annual International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC) Paper Proceedings, March 3-5, Orlando, USA.